Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Apple of His eye

What does Galatians 5:15 warn will happen if two people don't cease "biting and devouring each other"?

Denounce means "ate a piece of"...the astrologers were trying to kill Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego with their words.
I will admit that there are times when I bite and devour with words during heated conflicts and I 'm sure each of us still has a scar or two from an old bit. By that I mean something said that hurt badly enough not to be forgotten.
What an unhealthy and miserable way to live!
I need to find less destructive ways to communicate my frustration.
I am the spiritual see of Abraham. Nothing touches me without touching His eye.
Nothing bites me without Him feeling it.
He sees.
He knows.
He acts.
And, best of all, He heals.

Father forgive me for all the words that should have never been uttered...heal those that I hurt! Father heal the hurts that I have felt too.

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