Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stubborn minds

How can you tell King Nebuchadnezzar still didn't get the picture (Dan.4:8)
Over 30 years had passed since King Neb's first prophetic dream recorded in Daniel 2 to his second dream in Daniel 4 and yet Nebuchadnezzar could not seem to dislodge his thinking! The truth that Daniel's God is the one and only God had never taken root in the inmost places of his heart. He greatly honored the God of Daniel by putting him a little higher than all the other gods but he just didn't "get it".
We are powerless to force spiritual understanding on another person. We an encourage, teach, and urge, ut we can't make them "get it".
Thankfully God can!
"Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45
Only the Holy Spirt can breath a fresh breath of insight!

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