Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Pleasure to tell

How did Nebuchadnezzar feel about sharing what God had done for him?

Nebuchadnezzar's proclamation came from the vantage point of hindsight.
His proclamation came after his sanity was resorted...when he was thinking straight again.
"in order to testify to God's greatness and power, he had to show himself foolish. Indeed, beastly.
I can relate to Nebuchadnezzar. "When my thoughts were bitter and my feelings were hurt,
I was a stupid as an animal." I may not have looked as animal-like as Nebuchadnezzar, but I have acted as stupid as am animal over my bitterness and hurt.
I'm sure that I am not the only one.
Am I as willing to take the risk of looking foolish to share a powerful testimony?
A testimony is a powerful way to make God famous in our sphere of influence.

In God's economy, the way up is down. Then measured from our knees to the tips of our heads, beloved, we keep getting taller.

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