Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Royaly Troubled Mind

How does the dream impact King Nebuchadnezzar

I think that the dream jolted the king awake and left his heart pounding.
The very worst kind of dream that anyone could have.
A dream that shook him to the very core since he believed that dreams were given by the gods, however he wasn't aware yet that this dream was given to him by the God.
I have awakened from a terribly troubling dream that I couldn't remember what it was even though I tried and tried to rewind the tape of my memory to find it.
I think that's how he felt so that's why he threatened to dismember the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers" if they couldn't tell him what he dreamed and what it meant.
I can only imagine the horor on their faces as reality hit..they were expendable even though they enjoyed superiority amog the masses, they had no security.
I am so very thhankful that I belong to the kingdom yet I am not expendable.
"Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered" (Luke 12:7) and he even knows that I need to get my highlights re-done.

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